How to hit the ball from the sand bunker like a pro

Hitting the ball from the sand bunker can be a daunting task for many golfers, especially beginners. But with a few simple tips and techniques, you can learn to hit the ball from the sand bunker like a pro. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions to help you improve your bunker shots and impress your playing partners.

  1. Choose the Right Club

The first step to hitting the ball from the sand bunker like a pro is to choose the right club. Typically, you should use a sand wedge or a lob wedge for bunker shots. These clubs are specifically designed to help you hit the ball out of the sand and onto the green. A sand wedge has a loft angle of around 56 degrees, while a lob wedge has a loft angle of around 60 degrees. The higher the loft angle, the easier it is to get the ball up and out of the sand.

  1. Take a Wide Stance

Once you have selected the right club, it’s time to set up your stance. Position your feet shoulder-width apart and dig your feet into the sand to create a stable base. You want to lower your center of gravity to help you maintain balance and stability during the swing.

  1. Open the Clubface

Opening the clubface means rotating the clubface to the right, away from the target. This helps create more loft and bounce, which are crucial for getting the ball out of the sand. To open the clubface, simply turn the clubhead to the right while keeping the shaft pointing at the target.

  1. Aim Slightly Left

When hitting from the bunker, it’s important to aim slightly left of the target. This is because the clubface is open, and the ball will tend to go right. Aiming left will help compensate for this and ensure the ball ends up where you want it.

  1. Take a Big Swing

Bunker shots require a big swing to generate enough power to get the ball out of the sand. Take a full swing, and focus on making contact with the sand about 2 inches behind the ball. This will allow the club to slide under the ball and help lift it out of the sand.

  1. Accelerate Through Impact

As you swing, accelerate through impact to generate more power and spin. This will help the ball climb quickly out of the sand and onto the green. Keep your eyes on the ball, and follow through the swing to finish with your hands high.

  1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Hitting the ball from the sand bunker like a pro takes practice. Spend some time on the practice range working on your bunker shots. Experiment with different club selections, ball positions, and swing techniques to find what works best for you. Remember, every bunker shot is different, so be prepared to adapt to different situations on the course.

In conclusion, hitting the ball from the sand bunker like a pro requires a combination of technique, practice, and confidence. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be well on your way to mastering bunker shots and impressing your playing partners on the course. Remember, the key is to stay relaxed, maintain your balance, and let the club do the work. With a little practice, you’ll be hitting bunker shots like a pro in no time!